
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fantastic Friday

     To any of who were waiting anxiously for a post yesterday about the 5K, I'm sorry I didn't get one done yesterday. I just really enjoyed the day! It was fantastic! Party in Pink in Vinton rocked!
     I worked until 1 yesterday and then headed home and decided to go for a short jog. I was kind of nervous and could tell I was getting anxious. It was about 81 and very windy and I wasn't sure how I was going to do. My muscles were kind of tight for some reason and I wanted to get them warmed up a little. So like I said, I went for a slow jog of 3/4 mile in 10 minutes. Then at 3:00 I went for an even shorter jog of a 1/3 of a mile. Then I got in the shower and got my race clothes on! I think that was when it finally hit me that I was running my first 5K!
     I hadn't registered yet. I know, I know, they always say that you should sign up well in advance as a motivation to run the race. But I didn't. I definitely will for the 10K though! So since I hadn't registered yet I wanted to get there a little after 4:30 when they were starting day-of registration. I drove to the the registration area, found a parking spot, got out of the car and immediately had a few feelings of "What am I doing here?" But I knew I could do it so I put those feelings aside and registered! I was number 453! 
The original goal for this race was 200 people, they had 300 people registered by the end of the pre-registration a month before the race. As it turns out, there were over 600 walkers and runners when it was all said and done! Awesome!I can't wait to see how many people there are next year, I know I'll be there!
     So, it was now an hour or so until the race. I walked around a little bit, pinned my number on and waited for my husband to get there after work. My husband came with some water for me, my soon to be sister-in-law came for support and then some friends got there that were running the race too. My brother-in-law and sister in law (she is running her first marathon this fall a.k.a huge inspiration to me) drove by and told me they were acting as support for the race which was awesome because I knew I would have someone rooting for me along the way.
     Well, it was finally about time for the race to start. I did just a little jog to get warmed up and then they had some announcements and stuff which were really hard to hear, they didn't quite have the speaker system that they needed since they weren't expecting such a big crowd. And then, ready or not it was time to line up! They had a separate section for walkers and runners. I had decided that I was going to go to the very back of the runners. I did that so that I wouldn't have a bunch of people passing me and I could go at the pace that I wanted. It felt good just to be with the runners.
     At 6:05 the starter gun was shot and we were off! The adrenaline was kicking in and I was ready to just go! I was actually completely shocked at how many people I passed at the beginning! I'm guessing I could have gone about half way up in the runners but at the same time it made me stay slow as I was weaving through people and it gave me a little boost to know that I was faster than some of the runners. I was very proud of myself that I went 1.2 miles before I took a walk break, in fact, that made me feel really good!
     Then we came to the first hydration station. That was an experience. I probably should have just skipped them both but I figured water couldn't hurt. So I thought I knew what I was doing. Grab the cup, pinch the top and sip. Right? Wrong! First sip I totally chocked! LOL!Oh well! That's what memories are made of right? I think after this I will slow to a slow walk, just drink it and then get going. Live and learn right?
     It really is true when they say that you will find other runners that are running at your pace. There were several people that I went back and forth in position with. But it felt good to know that I was keeping a steady pace. In the beginning of the race everyone is cramped together but I would say between a mile and a mile and a half it had definitely thinned out. It was nice to have more space to be able to focus on your breathing and pace instead of other people around you.
     Then with I would say about 3/4 of a mile left, I saw a red PT cruiser which only meant one thing! My brother-in-law and sister-in-law! She was holding a sign to keep the runners motivated. I saw them and started waving and she got all excited and reached for something in the car. It was a big orange sign that said "GREAT JOB LEEANN!!! ALMOST DONE" That was exactly what I needed! It seriously almost made me cry! It meant a lot to have that support from them. At that point I was starting to slow down too but it gave me just the boost I needed to keep going! Thank you!!!
     Then I was finally to the last hill, getting so close to the finish line and the worst thing happened!!! Just kidding! It was great! I got to the top of the hill and heard one of my friends who had run (he was 21st overall) yell at me, "It's all downhill from here!" That was all I needed to hear and I made a mad dash for the finish line! I have no idea where all of that energy came from!
     I was kind of a special moment for me crossing the finish line too because to the left walkers were to cross but to the right runners crossed the line. I think that was the moment that I finally realized, I AM A RUNNER!!!
     I finished 151st out of over 600! Top 25 percent! Oh yeah!!! And guess what? 33 minutes!!! Personal record beat by 2 minutes! I could tell that I was running faster through this race but I wasn't going to look at my time, I just wanted to run my race! Why? Because I was running for me, myself and I!
     So what is my overall thoughts of a 5K? Awesome! Amazing! Fantastic! If you haven't done one before, I would strongly recommend it! It truly is an amazing feeling that you don't get just running on your own. 
     I really can't wait for my next race! I am actually thinking about doing one on Thursday in Dysart but I haven't decided yet. From the times last year, if I did it I could actually place in my age category  That's why I am leaning towards doing it but we shall see. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
     So to all you out there, keep going, you can do it! But as for me, I am running for me, myself and I!

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