
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Technical Thursday

     Good evening my wonderful followers! Guess what? I just hit 100 page views !! I started this week less than a week ago and already 100 page views !! It's a really big motivation to keep going with this seeing that you are all interested and enjoying reading my blog!
     Well, I think on Thursday's since I won't have anything to tell you about when it comes to my training, with it being my day off, I think on Thursday's we will talk about tips and plans.
     So today, I thought I would fill you all in on my next running goal. As you know, tomorrow I am running my first 5K thus reaching my first goal and so I've decided it's time to set my next goal. Are you ready? I am going to run a 10K on Saturday August 24th!!! I am super excited about this goal. It is way more than I thought I would accomplish when I start running less than a month ago but I know that I can do it!
     Today I finally nailed down my training plan. I have searched a lot of 10K training plans online and finally decided on one. I think it is really important to find one that will work for you. Some plans are 3 days a week, some are 5 days a week, some are based on time, some are based on distance, some put a lot of focus on drills, others just focus on covering the distance at your pace. For me, drills just didn't sound like any fun, too much to think about. I just want to get out there and cover ground. So for me I decided on a 5 day a week training plan that focuses on distance except for one day a week, the easy run.
      This plan includes cross training one day a week on Tuesdays which I am very happy to be adding.  I have been wanting to add some strength training into my routine to help tone and strengthen my body but didn't know what to do. I think for cross training I will swim some laps in our pool for some cardio and then possibly some Pilates, weights and balance ball work.
     Wednesday's will provide something that I have not been doing as well. Wednesday's will be about running at race pace. I still need to do some more reading about that to see exactly what I am planning on doing in this regard. Any pointers out there?
     Friday and Saturday will also provide a change from my previous schedule. Saturday's have been my long run days and then Sunday was a rest day. But now I will have my long run on Friday followed by an easy run on Saturday. This method makes sense because it helps with active repair of your muscles before your day of rest.
      Thursday's and Sunday's will definitely be my favorite days, rest days. Just kidding! Thursday's and Sunday's actually feel very strange for me. I feel like I should be out there running, I miss it. But at the same time, I know that it is very important to let my muscles heal and strengthen.
     So below, you will see the schedule that I have made for these next 8 weeks leading right up to the 10K. I hope weather will cooperate and if not, I hope that I have the mental strength to just keep going despite the weather.

1 3 mile run CT 2.5 mile run  (race pace) Rest 3 mile run 30 minute  easy run Rest
2 3 mile run CT 3 mile run     (race pace) Rest 3.5 mile run 35-40 minute easy run Rest
3 3.5 mile run CT 3.5 mile run  (race pace) Rest 4 mile run 35-40 minute easy run Rest
4 4 mile run CT 3.5 mile run  (race pace) Rest 4.5 mile run 40-45 minute easy run Rest
5 4 mile run CT 3 mile run (race pace) Rest 5 mile run 40-45 minute easy run Rest
6 4 mile run CT 3.5 mile run (race pace) Rest 6 mile run 40-45 minute easy run Rest
7 4 mile run CT 3 mile run (race pace) Rest 7 mile run 40-45 minute easy run Rest
8 3 mile run CT 3 mile run
(race pace)
Rest Rest 10K!!! Rest

     I can't believe that in 8 weeks from now, 12 weeks from when I started this journey, that I will be running 6.2 miles! I'm so proud of myself, I'm amazed at what my body can do, and impressed at what my mind can handle. 
     So please leave your comments below, I would love to hear from you. I'd love to get some encouraging words to keep me going, some stories of your own for inspiration or your plans and future goals to know I'm not alone. 
      But remember, no matter your reason, lace up those shoes and get out there. I am, I'm running for me, myself and I!

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