
Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Weekend

      So, this weekend has not gone as planned at all. It has been hot, humid and rainy. Saturday was supposed to be my day for my first 4 mile run. That didn't happen... Both Graham (my hubby) and I slept horribly Friday night and it was raining when we finally woke up. Not a good excuse I know. But sometimes life gets to you, sometimes you need to just step back and get away from the norm. That was definitely Saturday. The hubs and I had to get away. So we went to a nearby city and just goofed off for the afternoon, nothing too exciting, just spent some time together on the miserably hot day!
     Then today, I thought about running but then my alarm didn't go off and so after fighting with myself about  doing it this afternoon, I just decided to start back Monday. Saturday was the first time that I have skipped a scheduled run and Sunday is my normal rest day.
     So tomorrow, I am going to get up and run before work because the rest of the day is going to be very busy. I have the feeling this whole week is going to be crazy but I am going to run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday I will rest and then Friday is the big race!!!! I'm so excited! My first 5k!!!
      So go ahead, lace up your shoes and join me this week. Get out there and walk or run, do what you can.  I know I am because I am doing it for me, myself and I!

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