
Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Madness: Dragging Along

     Today was definitely one of those Mondays. It was a long weekend and I was not ready for the week to start. I didn't get to run before work and I think that was definitely part of my problem. Mix that with a lack of sleep and not eating well on Sunday since we were gone and not taking my vitamins this weekend and you have a bad start to the week. It's all my fault, I know. But that's enough of me whining cause that could go on for a while if I let it.
     So after work, I was determined to get my first run in after the race, the run that would start the training for my 10K. Let's just say, I wasn't feeling it. I decided to try a new course today to try to get myself out of the funk. I did it, I covered the distance but I took it pretty easy, I ended up walking more than normal. It took me almost 40 minutes to do the 3 miles. My mind just wasn't in it and my body wasn't feeling very powerful. This has been the first day since I started running that I didn't really enjoy it but at the same time I am glad that I got out there and did it for myself. Because after all, I am running for me, myself and I. Do you have any tips for getting yourself out of that funk and getting into the groove for your run?
     Today I also added a couple new things to my training. Tomorrow I really start my strength training but since it is the first of July I thought that I would do a couple month long challenges. I am doing a plank challenge as well as a squat challenge. I will post that schedule as soon as I put them together in a chart so you can do it along with me. 
     I also started something totally random. On Pinterest, I had found a pin that was about learning to do the splits in 2 weeks and so I decided that I would try it. We will see if I can actually do them in 2 weeks or not but either way it is a great stretching routine that I thought would benefit my legs for running. 
     I really should go take all of my vitamins now, that's a whole different story but I am thinking that I may benefit from adding iron soon. I will talk about that soon as well as a couple other vitamins I added when I started running. So until next, get out there and show the world what you've got! I'll be running... for me, myself and I! 

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