
Friday, January 10, 2014

Plank Challenge and Weekly Update

     Plank and challenge... two words that most people would cringe at. A plank is a challenge itself but when you say you are doing a plank challenge, you know you are serious. That is this months Pinterest fitness challenge for my fitness buddy and I. 

30 Day Plank Challenge- January 2014!
Here is a link to the pin. 
     We are ten days in and we both can see a difference. The first couple days you hold a plank for 20 seconds. You think "I can do that, 20 seconds isn't that bad" and then you begin. A few seconds in you start the shaking. But let me tell you you stick with this schedule for a few days and you will be shocked at how fast you can increase the length of your plank!
       Yesterday my girlfriend and I got together for a girls day and decided that we would do a 10 minute Pilates workout together and then yesterday was our first day of a one minute plank! The Pilates workout was great, we both love Pilates but haven't done it for a while. And then we did our plank- note to self: plank before a Pilates workout not after! We both were shaking soooo bad! But we made it! 9 days and you can be planking for a minute and by the end of the month you will be planking for a whole 5 minutes!!! Awesome!
     As for cardio, this week I actually haven't done any. I think I'm trying to change to many things at once. I found a plan that I started doing to work up to running 30 minutes in 4 weeks. Here is the link to the running plan. It's kinda kicking my butt. I can't believe how out of shape I am after not working out for a few months. Consistency is definitely the key to exercise. Next week I am going to try and start it again and stick with it. Even if  you fail to reach your goals, you just have to pick up where you left off and keep trying. So don't give up, I know I'm going to keep running for me, myself and I!

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